Here is my trusty, ever-so-faithful bag that I use as my handbag when I travel. This bag obviously is no designer bag, but I think it is representable and clearly serves it purpose. It is from Charles & Keith and I got it for less than $50, but boy is it so durable - probably due to the fact that it is pure vinyl (though it has a nice, soft lining inside with lots of pockets! Who doesn't love pockets in bags!). It is big, has many compartments, strong, stain-resistant, dent-resistant, big enough to fit even the bulkiest laptop together with my ipad, iphone, blackberry and all my make-up, wallet, umbrella, my neighbor's dog and all the other junk I carry - basically everything except the kitchen sink. I have spilled a whole cup of latte in it in Bali (don't ask why I put a full cup of coffee in my bag through an x-ray machine - that's even beyond me :p), I have spilled a whole glass of red wine on it on a flight to India (more like pour on it), I have kicked it under the airplane seat more times than I can remember, dumped it on a dirty floor in Vietnam, and took it all through my journey in Laos. This bag has gone everywhere with me, has seen the world as I see it, but I have to say, it has not seen better days. It is still as pretty and as shiny as when I first got it.
Cheers !!