Friday, September 24, 2010

My Schedule

I try to make a wardrobe schedule every week.  I started this around 5 years ago and I have to admit that there are times, days, months that I would just feel too lazy to do it (and I survived!).  I started with a simple excel sheet that has rows of tops, bottoms, shoes and bags I would wear each day and what kind of "look" I wanted to do.  You can put whatever description you feel like in the rows - it's your stuff, so only you know how to describe it :-). 

This sheet can aid you in mixing and matching your wardrobe and will also help you remember what you wore, say, last Monday.  That way, you don't repeat the same combination the next week.  Try to do a 2-week schedule at a time and once you are comfortable with it do a 4-week schedule.  You will be amazed to see how many combinations you can get from 10 basic pieces of clothing and it will seem like you have so many clothes!


  1. Good idea J. Maybe...u can even show a page sample of your excel sheet? It is agreat help for those who knows nothing about styles (like myself hehehe)

  2. Give us a glimpse of the worksheet please....

  3. Thank you ladies :-) Yes, I did attach the sheet at first, then when it got on the post it didn't fit nicely (and the colors were not complimentary to the webpage). Anyway, long story short, I took it out with the thinking of fixing it (but didn't get around to doing it yet) :-)

  4. Jas, who do you give away to? donate?
