Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Wardrobe Fatigue

Even being so organized and having a 4-week schedule, I sometimes still struggle with what to wear.  Not that I don't have anything in my closet, it's just that I get tired with the same thing or the same combination or rotating the same schedule from a few months ago.  There are just days where I would feel like wearing black but seems like there are no blacks that I like in my closet.  I call this "wardrobe fatigue".  Like this week, I think I have a serious case of wardrobe fatigue on my hands.  I don't feel like wearing anything I have scheduled and I have been having my closet open for the past few days already to see what I can whip out of it.   So what to do in this case and you are desperate for ideas (other than raiding Orchard Rd.)?  Here are a few thoughts:

1. Browse the News
Pick up a magazine, browse fashion sites or look for celeb news.  I find Her World magazine particularly helpful in mixing and matching.  Glamour magazine also has good fashion ideas.  Browse the fashion sites like Shine or Style, or find celeb news for inspiration.  Not all tacky celebs are tacky all the time, nor are stylish celebs stylish all the time.  Everyone has their off days. I like the styles of Kim Kardashian and Jennifer Lopez.  They have big hips like me and they (or their stylist for that matter) can manage to camouflage it well.  Angelina Jolie also has great style on the red carpet.

2. Accessorize Differently
Wear the same outfit with different shoes/bag combination and different accessories.  Instead of your usual silver on black, try gold.  Instead of wearing those black shoes, wear pink.  Or, instead of wearing the usual black trousers with that top, wear it with white pants.  New combinations will perk up a tired outfit and lift your spirits too.

3. Look Out for Inspiration
This could be people on the train, in the office or in the coffee shop.  They may have a nice blouse which reminds you that you have a similar one, and from there you can think about what to wear.

1 comment:

  1. Jas! i just bought some accessories especially bangles. i like this shop DIVA ... i just love the way they group the accessories into theme, it is easy for us to shopper just grab which one we need. i agree with you accessories HELPS!
